can like psychedelics and be okay with every bit of it. You don’t have to carry a
nervousness in your shoulders when you’re engaged with something you’re okay
with. You can enjoy it so much more when you let your shoulders go and be okay
with totally breathing.
just like how she can eat chickens and be okay with it. And so can you be okay
with her individual choices too. No, really. Just like he can love someone of the same
sex, and we can all be okay with it. Really. Sure, we can also be pissed off at cops
and lawyers and brokers and politicians who abuse their power, because we’re
not okay with it. We all have a gauge of what is okay for our soul and what isn’t.
But how much do we turn it up?
we accept an offering of the universe, are we accepting it with every sense?
Are we seeing, feeling, knowing what we are engaging in? Do we fully feel the
miracle of the earth air filling our chests and expanding our hearts?
we take, engage, consume, connect—are we pulsing the love through our veins and
roots, lifting the vibration of the energetic sphere?
we being one with the offering as we accept it—as we taste the metallic
rainbows of the acid in our brains, or bite into the buttery leg of a chicken,
or melt into the warm embrace of a soul who feels like home—are we being?
we thankful? Are we surging appreciation and gratitude for the fractals forming
between the grooves in our fingerprints, the worthy bird that is feeding us,
the warm touch of someone who is grateful, too?
if we truly get to being beyond okay with what we like, what we enjoy, get highest on—wouldn't we shed the nervousness and guilt about it? Why must we assume a defensive
social front to defend our identities from stereotypes like hippie,
meat-eater, homosexual? Can't I say, "MY CONSTITUTION IS IPAS AND AMERICAN SPIRITS" and be more than okay with that, allowing everyone else to be more than okay with that too? Couldn't they appreciate my habits/nature for the boundless ways that I do? And be more okay with their own shit too? Why can’t we
cultivate passion in the earthly offerings that enliven and empower us?
Why shouldn’t we integrate everything as a sacred offering for our body and
spirit? What is "mindless consumption" when we have a body AND a spirit to connect and consume? And why not respect our brothers and sisters for celebrating their ecstatic shit? Thank the crispy hoppy beer for every bubble and sip, and ooze smiles out our pores?
okay with complacency. But I’m on fire for passion. Awareness. Ecstatic
humility. We are here to live. Breathe. Be. Love. Thank. When we take something outside us into our bodies, our spirits, our spheres, we should celebrate it to its highest
vibration. What else is there? You can accept vibrations…or you can exhilarate them.
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