Sunday, March 15, 2015

Welcome to Jam Sauce

Jam Sauce is your ultimate tour guide for the ins and outs of festivals, shows, and other manifestations of the collective consciousness. Much of Jam Sauce will come from my experiences. I've done the lush tour life vending every show with Orbitz discounting pet friendly hotels all across the country, and I've followed Phish seven months pregnant selling organic iced coffee out of a cooler on wheels, renegade camping in fields and up mountains (so long as you get there before sunset, depending on the mountain.) But, my expertise are limited to my own experiences, and this project is largely about the collective momentum that generates the jam love flow. For example, I have not toured in a camper yet, but perhaps you have; maybe you're the four season glamping guru who has all the rooftop gardening wisdom and bathroom systems down, and you want to write about your invaluably unique experiences. Email me at and help stir the sauce. 

Any given jam is a melting pot of everything within its vortex vicinity--sights, smells, thought, desire, action, intentions and outcomes, energy and vibes, colors and filters--so what has your vortex encompassed? For lively glimpses into each other's vortexes, tune into Jam Sauce for lot life, live art, miracle tickets, hustlin', swingin', and the warbling gaps in between.

Bear Creek, FL

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